Ausstellungführung "Bestimmung: Menschlichkeit - Otto Pankok"

Apr 13, 2025


Otto Pankok (1893-1966) is considered one of the most important representatives of expressive realism. He took a firm stand for the interests of humanity and nature. Get to know a fascinating artist who can offer us orientation and encouragement through his straightforwardness and philanthropic, Christian attitude, and join us on a journey of discovery. We will be showing 18 of his most impressive works.

Time: 11.00 a.m.
Cost: free, (donations requested)
Location: Schleiden-Vogelsang, Seelsorge Nationalpark Eifel + Vogelsang, Vogelsang 86a
Info phone: 02444. 5759987

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  • Only at April 13, 2025
    At 11:00


Vogelsang 86 a
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd


Seelsorge in Nationalpark Eifel + Vogelsang
Vogelsang 86 a
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd
Phone: (0049) 2444. 5759987

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