Brunft live erleben (Begleitung in deutscher Gebärdensprache)

Oct 2, 2024


Experience the rutting season in the wild from the red deer viewing gallery near Dreiborn. Binoculars and spotting scopes are on site and guarantee unique animal observations.

Together with the LVR-Verbund Heilpädagogischer Hilfen (LVR-Verbund Heilpädagogischer Hilfen - specialised department for people with hearing impairments), the rangers offer free guided tours for people with and without hearing impairments. An interpreter translates the ranger's explanations into German sign language.

Time: 10.00 am
Cost: free of charge
Location: Schleiden-Dreiborn, car park Rothirschaussichtsempore
Info phone: 02251. 65070340

Organiser: Eifel National Park Authority

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  • Only at October 2, 2024
    At 10:00


53937 Schleiden-Dreiborn


Nationalparkforstamt Eifel
Urftseestr. 34
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd
Phone: (0049) 2444 5100
Fax: (0049) 2444 951085

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