Wanderung Rund um die Kalltalsperre
Aug 17, 2025
Moderately difficult hike from the Jägerhaus parking lot through the Peterbachquellgebiet nature reserve to
Peterbach and along it to where it flows into the Kall. From there, we follow the Kall
up to the dam of the Kall dam. After walking around the dam, we return to the starting point via
the Rollesbroicher Weg. Arrival and departure by car.
Distance: approx. 14 kilometers, approx. 4.5 hours
WaFü: Gregor Hochgürtel
Time: 10.00 a.m.
Cost: €6 Carpooling fee
Location: Schleiden, Dreisch parking lot, Blumenthaler Str.
Info phone: 02445. 852448