Ingrid Kühne - Von Liebe allein wird auch keiner satt!
Apr 11, 2025
Nobody gets enough of love alone...
...and Ingrid certainly isn't. In her 3rd program, Ingrid Kühne is also on a quest through the adversities of everyday life, with her husband Ralf and son Sven, who is also slowly
growing up. Which as a mother is something that you successfully suppress. Nor should we ignore the fact that her men, at least, are not tired of challenging her!
According to the dictionary, the word "satt" alone means: no longer hungry; no longer feeling the need to eat! This is out of the question for Ingrid anyway, as there is also a rich blue, it costs a whopping 300 euros and you can also be fed up with the whims of some of your fellow citizens. So, let us take you into Ingrid Kühne's world, which, on closer inspection, could also be hers.
Time: 20.00
Cost: from €34.20
Location: Schleiden-Gemünd, Kurhaus, Kurhausstr. 5
Info-Tel.: 02444. 2776