Kinderkulturreihe - Kinderkonzert mit Uwe Reetz

Aug 10, 2025


With lots of fun, music and energy, the thoroughbred musician always inspires his young listeners anew. The gripping rhythms and catchy lyrics of his songs are guaranteed to put them in a good mood during his performances. With rousing melodies, wild dance interludes and clever magic tricks, the children can really let off steam together with Uwe.

In case of bad weather, please contact the Gemünd Tourist Information Office from 11:30 am.

Time: 14:00-15:00
Cost: free
Location: Schleiden-Gemünd, music pavilion in the Kurpark, Kurhausstr.
Info phone: 02444. 2011

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  • Only at August 10, 2025
    At 14:00


Kurpark, Kurhausstr.
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd


Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Veranstaltungen mbH (GfW), Schleiden
Am alten Rathaus 1
53937 Schleiden
Phone: +49 2444 2011

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