Kurkonzert - Eifelklänge Herhahn-Morsbach
Aug 3, 2025 - Sep 7, 2025
The "Eifelklänge" music association comes from the hilltop villages of Herhahn and Morsbach in the Schleiden urban area. Under the musical direction of Marco Wergen, the audience can expect traditional brass music such as polkas, waltzes and marches as well as rock and pop arrangements or medleys. Irish folk music or a Dixie version of "Probiers mal mit Gemütlichkeit" will also be played by the group of around 35 musicians.
In the event of bad weather, please contact your tourist information office from 11.30 a.m. to find out whether the concert will take place or has to be canceled due to the weather.
Time: 4 p.m.
Cost: free
Venue: Schleiden-Gemünd, music pavilion in Gemünd Kurpark, Kurparkstr.
Info phone: 02444. 2011
E-mail: www.schleiden-eifel.com