Kurkonzert - Zingsheimer Blasmusikanten

Apr 27, 2025


Pieces by Queen, the Beatles or Coldplay are included as well as polkas or even a waltz.
Look forward to an entertaining time with the "Zingsheimer Blasmusikanten e.V", made in the Eifel.

Due to construction work in the entrance area of the Kurpark, there may be a relocation. We recommend that you obtain up-to-date information about possible changes at the Gemünd Tourist Information Office.

In the event of bad weather, please contact your Tourist Information from 11.30 a.m. to find out whether the concert will take place or has to be canceled due to weather conditions.

Time: 16.00
Cost: free
Location: Schleiden-Gemünd, music pavilion in Gemünd Kurpark, Kurparkstr.
Info phone: 02444. 2011
E-mail: tourismus@schleiden-eifel.com

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  • Only at April 27, 2025
    At 16:00


Kurpark, Kurhausstr.
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd


Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Veranstaltungen mbH (GfW), Schleiden
Blankenheimer Str. 2
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd
Phone: +49 2444 2011

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