Stunde der Gartenvögel

May 10, 2025


This event is based on an initiative by the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) to collect data on the most common bird species in built-up areas. The Nature Conservation Education Center is joining this initiative and is offering a public census on this day. After a short introduction, the count will take place, followed by a lecture on the identification of native songbirds and an excursion. If possible, please bring binoculars and an identification book; if you don't have these - don't worry, binoculars and books can be provided by the Naturschutz-Bildungshaus.

Time: 14.00-17.30
Costs: to be requested upon registration
Location: Schleiden-Vogelsang, NABEAR, Vogelsang 90
Info phone: 01515. 6625207

Registration required.

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  • Only at May 10, 2025
    At 14:00


Vogelsang 90
53937 Schleiden-Vogelsang


NABEAR Naturschutz-Bildungshaus Eifel-Ardennen-Region
Vogelsang 90
53937 Schleiden-Vogelsang

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