Weniger bekannte Pflanzenfamilien

Jul 12, 2025


The 14 best-known plant families are presented in the "Across Botany" identification course. This working group session complements the course. Lesser-known plant families such as the summer root family (Orobanchaceae), the bindweed family (Convolvulaceae) and the orchid family (Orchidaceae) will be introduced and their biology and ecology discussed.

Speaker: Dr. Karl-Heinz Linne von Berg

Time: 14.00-17.30
Costs: to be requested upon registration
Location: Schleiden-Vogelsang, NABEAR, Vogelsang 90
Info-Tel.: 01515. 6625207
E-Mail: anfrage@nabear.de

Registration required.

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  • Only at July 12, 2025
    At 14:00


Vogelsang 90
53937 Schleiden-Vogelsang


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